Breitenbach 48° Nord landscape hotel is officially open!


After a few years with the pandemic, The Breitenbach landscape hotel 48° Nord in Alsace was finally able to host an official opening ceremony!

Together with our client, local collaborators, the hotel director and restaurant chef, as well as a delegation of local and regional politicians and various local producers, furnishers and villagers - we were delighted to participate in the event.

We are proud of the response of the building, both at the local and international level. Thanks to the press and by word of mouth, the hotel has been running very well for a couple of years already.

It is always a pleasure to go back on site and see time doing its work, the local chestnut cladding getting its light grey-scale patina, the local vegetation and wildlife thriving in their natural environment, and the hotel management improving the facilities and services proposed to the visitors – always in touch with their core values of a local and ecological experience.

We congratulate Hotel 48° Nord with the official opening and look forward to future collaborations!

 Read more about the project HERE