Architecture prize for Kornets Hus!


Kornets Hus - The House of Grain wins Hjørring Municipality's Architecture Prize 2021!

With the award, the City Council wants to inspire and promote the interest of citizens and builders in good architecture and thereby contribute to the creation of good environments, an improved quality of life and a beautiful and eventful municipality.

Every two years, the City Council awards new construction, facilities or design in high architectural quality, which has been carried out with great empathy for the function, the place and the surroundings, and demonstrates a special awareness of materials and high architectural quality.

"A simple and sculptural building rises between fields and horizons and interprets local farm construction as a landmark that reaches out into the world" A warm thank you to the jury, and many heartfelt gratulations to everyone at Kornets Hus!

Kornets Hus is also an official nominee for the Mies van der Rohe Award 2022.

read more about the project HERE